Our Save the Planet Group began due to our love of art, music, literature. Creativity was at our core. Despite the loss of our founder, it still is. From the tallest tree to the smallest flower, from the earth to the sky. We love the planet. It's our honor to be her caretakers.
Let us seek truth without insult, find love without hate, listen without judgment. We will never be civilized until we learn to recognize the rights of others. Treat all earthlings the way we wish to be treated. Honesty, equality, kindness and compassion can reshape the world.
Most parents endeavour to try to teach their offspring what life means; love, kindness, empathy, compassion for all creatures and in turn our offspring teach us the meaning of life simply by looking at us.
The human animal does not always appreciate the ecological value of earth's creatures, valuing wealth, status, power instead. Worms and ants care more for the planet than many humans do, their power and importance at our feet. Humankind must educate and understand the value of every kind.
Humanity must not simply be connected to technology; there is no wifi in nature, but there is a better connection. The world is not something we should see only through windows. Sometimes we need to switch off, step out, see for ourselves the beautiful world we're fighting for.
Remember, we are more than the years we have. We are more than the mere memories we leave behind. Every action, every choice we make impacts the world around us. Our legacy can be as negative or as positive as we choose it to be. Think on the future, try to heal the past.
A Simple truth is always worth repeating. Money does not give us value, earn respect, make us decent. Those who use money, to pursue more money, or take from those who have less, or possess wealth to the point that it possesses them, suffer a sickness that will end our humanity.
The most beautiful sites in the world are made naturally; the ugliest sites in the world are man-made by humanity. Good nature cannot be manufactured, industrialized, fossilized, bought, traded, or paid for. To purify the mind, we must first clear the air.
Small fish are never free from anxiety. Since big fish are always eager to eat them. All living entities are eaten by bigger living entities. This is the way of material nature. To bite back against the system that overwhelms, consumes the planet, we must all become big fish.
Ironic that humankind hopes to find intelligent, empathetic life on other planets, but as a species we've little regard for the empathetic creatures living on this one. Only by sharing the planet equally with all others, will humanity ever understand the true value of the world.
The word 'humanity' has been defined as kindness, mercy and sympathy, but those who are cruel to other creatures, can never be humane. We belong to an 'earth family' and we all must have equal share and value. Compassion for all who live and breathe can create a beautiful world.
To rise we must at first descend, for those who possess humbleness, who never look down on others, unless it's done to lift them, have found the true foundation of success. Yes, try to be humble, for the wisest individuals alive, are those who die knowing, that they know very little.
Balance and equality is key. The freedom to challenge each other. To fully understand disinformation, we must hear all information. Propaganda thrives in an echo chamber. There are often several truths to one reality. Censorship protects lies. We must have free speech for all.
Whatever we do, we are all as beautiful as we choose to be. Shake a leg, stand tall, make a difference, life shouldn't be a competition. Friend, neighbor, stranger, we all matter equally. The world is not yours or mine, but if we help others shine, we all shine. Take care. Our world is to share.
We keep our feet on the ground for it is the only place we can stand, but to make a better world we cannot have our head in the clouds. Humanity has but one choice; we must look after all, or lose balance and fall. Tree, plant, animal, insect; the air we breathe is for everyone.
Life is not merely about finding yourself or being rich instead of poor. There's more to life than simply living. Life is gifted to all of us. Before the hour is too late, we must take the humane path and create a better world. Our true power; conscientious thought and action.
The tears of the earth are our tears. The years we are given are a small gift of a lifetime and pass in the blink of an eye. We cannot merely think on a better future. We have to act, create hope. There is only tomorrow and unless we change ourselves, we cannot change the world.
We have two ears, only one mouth. Therefore a greater ability to listen rather than talk. If we wish to be heard, then we have to hear. Empathy for animals, insects and the natural world will never be fully realised, unless we, as individuals, create empathy for each other.
In museums and art galleries, furniture, statues, paintings are protected by barriers and security; thus preventing human touch. In the natural world; animals, oceans, forests, insects are often valued less than objects. For good or ill, humanity has been free to touch them all.
Young, old, human, animal, insect. We are all children of Mother Earth. We owe her our creation, but humanity takes so much of her good nature, strips her bare, poisons the air, tears away forests, destroys habitats. We will fall and perish, if we do not cherish all the world.